Curriculum Subjects
Art and Design
Art and Design
The Art and Design Curriculum intends to engage, inspire and challenge our children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
Design and Technology
Design and Technology
The Reading Curriculum intends to inspire pupils' imagination and love of literacy and create the readers, actors, poets and, of course, authors of the future. Whilst learning about key writing and reading genres across the curriculum and supporting a greater depth of understanding of these through a variety of well-considered texts, pupils also learn about the key grammatical features that make up the English language and how they as readers can use these features to develop their reading fluency and expression.
Geography is essentially about the study of places, the human and physical processes which shape them and the people who live in them. It is not simply learning about countries and what the weather is like. The skills developed through Geography help our children to make sense of their surroundings and the wider world.
History is the study of events over time. It covers how the past influences our lives and shapes our customs and beliefs. History helps children to develop a sense of identity and to make sense of the world in which they live.
History is taught as a specific subject in Key Stage 1 in which the children develop interest and curiosity about the past. The use of artefacts, practical activities and educational visits fosters interest and enjoyment and provides concrete experiences. The children gain knowledge and understanding about historical periods, significant events in the past and lives of people in the past as well as how to appreciate how things have changed over time. The period and significant events have been selected that have the most meaning to our children.
The Computing Curriculum acknowledges that computational devices and software are a part of everyday life and that civilised society is becoming increasingly reliant on technology to guide practice and developments.? Technology is changing the lives of everyone. Through teaching Computing, we equip children to participate in a rapidly changing world where work and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology.
Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history's most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject."
(Taken from the National Curriculum.)Mathematics is a core subject in the National Curriculum. At Our Lady of Grace Infants all teachers are required to follow the guidance given by the Government for each phase of learning.
Our Lady of Grace has recently become a Music Mark School
We want to create a passion for music in our children that will stay with them for the future. We want to ensure that music is not just a ‘subject’ but is an inspiring and engaging experience that not only helps every pupil to develop their musical potential, but also helps them to develop an appreciation of the value of music, that is deeply personal to them. We want our children to have a curiosity about music and a respect for the role that it plays in our lives.
Physical Education
Physical Education
We recognise and value the important contribution of physical education to the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of a child, as well as the role of physical education in relation to a child's moral and cultural development. Physical Education is a fundamental part of the curriculum to be enjoyed by all children, providing opportunities to consolidate and work on values of participation, persistence and excellence that underpin every aspect of school life.
RHERelationships and Health Education
We deliver the Relationship and Health Education curriculum through the Life to the Full programme produced by Ten Ten and supplement it with additional resources to ensure coverage. By using this programme, staff and parents deliver a fully-integrated and holistic programme in that truly enables children to 'live life to the full' (John 10:10). There is an entire platform of creative resources that engage, inform and inspire children, parents and staff. This includes interactive video content, story-based activities and original worship music, all whilst employing a wide range of teaching tools and an accompanying programme of classroom prayers.
Religious Education
Religious Education
At Our Lady of Grace we recognise that we are building the foundations for life-long learning with Christ at the centre. Our Mission Statement is: 'We are learning to grow and love like Jesus'. We want to capture and nurture a love of learning that our children will carry with them as they grow. We strongly believe that a caring, stimulating and inclusive environment is essential to the development of our children and that learning should be fun, practical, challenging and thought-provoking. Our curriculum is carefully planned to ensure that all our children are encouraged to reach their full potential.
The Science Curriculum provides all children with the foundations for understanding the world, developing foundational building blocks within the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The curriculum is rich in key foundational knowledge and concepts, children are encouraged to be curious and develop a sense of wonder. It enables children to become natural explorers and provide opportunities to develop thinking, knowledge and positive attitudes to Science.
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PSHEPersonal, Social Health & Economic Education
At Our Lady of Grace Infant School, we learn about PSHE through the SCARF programme of study. SCARF has been developed by the children's charity, Coram Life Education.
SCARF aims to equip our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Our curriculum intends to develop the whole child through carefully planned and resourced lessons that foster pupils' knowledge and skills necessary to grow personally and socially, to protect and enhance their wellbeing, to stay safe and healthy, build and maintain successful relationships and become active citizens, who are able to responsibly contribute to our diverse society
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