Our Lady of Grace Catholic Infant School

The All Saints' Trust

Keeping Children Safe is Everyone's Responsibility

Please click here to read our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2021-22

Please click here for our Safeguarding Information Leaflet for Parents

Our Lady of Grace Catholic Infant School recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding children and our procedures are in line with the Local Authority (LA) and the London Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) procedures. 

The Designated Safeguarding Lead Senior Person (DSL) is Mrs Patricia Geraghty who undertakes regular training in Safeguarding.  She can be contacted on 020 8450 6757 or Email: safeguarding@ologinfants.brent.sch.uk.  In an emergency outside of school hours, please telephone: 07745 905209

The member of staff who will act in the DSL’s absence is Mrs Philomena Bourne, Headteacher.  She can be contacted on 020 8450 6757 or Email: safeguarding@ologinfants.brent.sch.uk.  In an emergency outside of school hours, please telephone: 07745 905209

The Designated Safeguarding Governor is Mr Harold Cabrera who can be contacted via the School or via the Clerk to Governors at: cathi.ologinfant@gmail.com

The London Child Protection Procedures are available online at: www.londoncp.co.uk

If you think that a child or young person in Brent is at risk of harm, grooming, neglect or other abuse you must Call 999 if they are in immediate danger